The criminal component of CJIS for Courts tracks
any type of criminal case handled by the court from initiation to
disposition. All information unique to the case is recorded here.
This includes the defendant's name, aliases and legal status,
charges, bond and surety/depositor data, defense attorney and
prosecutor, judge, past and future scheduled events, evidence and
exhibits, witnesses, dispositions, sentences and appeals
information. On inquiry, the system summarizes the activity for
each case by displaying the status of the case, the date and
nature of the last event in the case, and the date and nature of
the next scheduled event, and the number of defendants.
CJIS Criminal Case Management
Defendant Tracking
CJIS for Courts can track multiple defendants in a case. Each
defendant is assigned a unique person I.D. under which complete
information such as physical descriptors, aliases, prior arrests
and/or convictions, associates, addresses, etc., is tracked. The
person I.D. provides a single file on each person, showing all of
his or her activity with the court. Summaries of all activity for
the person are generated automatically by CJIS. A user can see at
a glance the total number of active and disposed cases, the
number of active warrants, monies due, next scheduled payment
amount and date, and the status of the defendant in the overall
system of justice.
All past and future scheduled events are recorded in CJIS for
Courts. Events can be sorted by courtroom, judge, date, and/or
range of dates. Additionally, hard copy calendars can be produced
in user-defined formats.
Warrant Generation
Warrants and their status can be tracked in CJIS for Courts.
Warrant records can be created automatically based on information
entered for the criminal case. A hard copy of the warrant can be
generated and directed to a printer within the agency or at
another agency.
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Speedy Trial Date
CJIS for Courts can track a speedy trial date for a defendant. An
excluded time record accounts for events and associated time
intervals that affect the speedy trial date. The system
automatically recalculates the maximum trial date, after
considering excluded time.
Collections Tracking
CJIS for Courts includes a collections subsystem that tracks all
monies due and paid from an individual and the distribution of
the money among the designated funds. The system automatically
maintains totals for monies owed by a person across all of his or
her cases. A forms generator can produce receipts, checks and
collection letters.
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Form and Notice
CJIS for Courts includes a form generation function for
generating forms and notices. Data are merged into predefined
formats and/or text to produce notices, subpoenas, summonses,
writs, docket sheets, and other court documents.
Management Reporting
CJIS for Courts can be used to produce ad hoc and standard
reports regarding case activity in the court. This includes, for
example, calendars, case listings and disposition, and mandated
CJIS for Courts provides comprehensive security allowing various
levels of update and inquiry access by user, or groups of users.
Security - even to the field level - protects sensitive
information, such as data about juveniles.
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